Show Me Sound Chorus

Sedalia, Missouri
A chartered member of Sweet Adelines International

If you're feeling that it's time to find a new interest - there's a place for you at Show Me Sound Chorus!
You are cordially invited to join us for rehearsals each Monday at 6:30 PM
Wesley United Methodist Church basement
1322 W. Broadway Blvd, Sedalia, Missouri
For more information:
The Show Me Sound Chorus is an amazing group of real women of all ages, singing real harmony and having real fun. We meet weekly to sing, to teach, and to learn the art of a cappella 4-part harmony primarily in the barbershop style.
If you sing at church, in the shower, or perhaps catch yourself humming and singing as you go through your day, then we want to invite you to come sing with us. Our members come from all around the Central Missouri region, including Sedalia, Warsaw, Warrensburg, Lee's Summit, Raymore, and Kansas City.
We are Sweet Adelines.

We're celebrating our 30th Anniversary!
We're having a party and you're invited!
August 17th, 2024
2 PM
Wesley United Methodist Church
1322 W Broadway
Sedalia, MO
Guest Quartets!
Renew friendships

We've been busy!
The year of 2023 has already been a busy time for Show Me Sound Chorus members. We've had Kay Bromert coaching in March, created our competition video for Region 5 competition, installed the new Leadership Team, most of all we continue to enjoy special friendships, and are learning some wonderful new music. Come be a part of this dynamic and fun group.

Show Me Sound Chorus, a Sweet Adelines chorus, is part of a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performance. This independent, nonprofit music education association is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women, boasting 23,000 members! Members extend over five continents and belong to more than 500 choruses and 1,200 quartets
Moments to Remember
The Show Me Sound Chorus celebrated its 25th Anniversary in August 2019. Several founding members, along with friends from the Sweet Adeline community joined in song to share the celebration.

Contact us: Do you have questions? Want to book a performance? Interested in visiting a rehearsal?
Let us know.
Many Thanks to our Sponsors!
Without you, we wouldn't be able to share our music
Central Bank
Sedalia, MO
Rea Funeral Chapel
Sedalia, MO
Judee Letourneau Mabry
Sedalia, MO
Sedalia, MO
Achieve Heating & Cooling
Sedalia, MO
Preferred Properties
Tina Roquet, Broker
Sedalia, MO
Lawrence W. Purcell, DDS
Warrensburg, MO
Nightwatch Security & Telephone, LLC
Sedalia, MO
Don's Truck Towing & Truck Wash, Inc
Sedalia, MO